20Jul 2022
In recent years, in Slovenia and in the world, we have witnessed many intense changes that have turned our routines upside down and forced us to change our lifestyle, both in the private and business sphere. We all know that digitization has brought great progress in the field of marketing, sales promotion and communication with end customers. The SMS message as a marketing tool offers a reliable way of communicating with customers, which can be verified and the success of SMS campaigns can be measured.
On the telecommunications market in the Republic of Slovenia, mobile network operators have decided to introduce a termination or termination surcharge, which will limit the availability of solutions for mass sending of SMS messages for business entities. The introduction of termination by mobile network operators in Slovenia will greatly increase the price of SMS messages offered by operators, which will reduce the use of such solutions.
In the company 4EGenus International d. o. o. we have decided not to charge our customers extra for termination! As part of our service offering, we will be available to existing and new customers with advice on optimizing all segments of SMS sending.
More about our solutions: https://www.sms-api.si/en/home